You can Make a reservation on our websit I you have any problems or questions you can contact us by Email,, or give us a call, 0031 118 586210.
The additional costst are the bookingfee (15€), endclaening and touristtaxes. You can rent bedlinnen and towels, but you can also bring them yourselves.
After your reservation you have to make a downpayement of 50% within 14 days. The rest of the amount is due 28 days before arrival.
You can make a free cancellation untill 6 months before arrival.
* between 6 and 3 months before arrival: 15% of rent.
* between 3 months an 1 month before arrival: 50% of rent.
* between 1 month and 1 week before arrival: 75% of rent.
* less then 1 week before arrival the total amount is due.
Yes, you can. In a beachcabin there a 2 beachchairs and a windscreen. You only have to bring your things to the beach once and enjoy your private beach spot for the rest of the week.
Unfortunately we don't have Apartments where there are pets allowed.
That's up to you. You can rent your bedlinnen and towels or you can bring it yourselves.
Usually from 15.00. A couple of days before arrival you will get an email, which also has the time of arrival. It could be you can have your appartment a couple of hours earlier. You can park your car the whole day.
Your appartment should be empty and ready at 10.00.
Certainly! You should only bring the bedding for the baybed.
Ofcourse our apartments have Wifi free of charge. You will find the password in the Information booklet.
Smoking is only allowed on the balcony, not in the apartment.
Every Apartment has its own private parking space. The larger apartments often have 2.
Our space is limited, so this isn"t allways possible. But please contact us before arrival, we often find a solution.
We put a coffee filter machine in the flat as standard. The owner may possibly have added a senseo or nespresso as well, but that is extra.
We have multiple bakery's in Domburg:
Bakker Bliek, Wijngaardstraat 15
’t Begin, Markt 11
Bier en Melk salon, Weststraat 11
Albert Heijn, Traverse 2
You will find a car charging station at these carparks:
Parkeerterrein bij de Molen
Parkeerterrein bij het gemeentehuis
Parkeerterrein Irma 2
Parkeerterrein Parel/Roompot
In case of life-threatening emergency, call 112!
If you need a doctor, please contact Huisartsenpraktijk Domburg, Schuurmanstraat 6, +31 118 581271.
In the evenings and weekends, you can contact the Huisartsenpost Walcheren, Krooneveldweg 6, 4332 BL, Middelburg, +31 900 1985.
In the Netherlands, it is compulsory to visit your GP first in case of complaints; he or she will refer you to a specialist if necessary. You cannot therefore go directly to the hospital or a specialist.
MakDo mondzorg, Westweg 4, 4357 BN, Domburg
+31 0118 582 304
Agrisneltank, Pekelingseweg 2, 4363 RB, Aagtekerke
Galerie POP, Weststraat 6
’t Begin Domburg, Markt 11
Domburgse Bier en Melk Salon, Weststraat 11